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What is beyond love?

Right from our teenage years all of us have been obsessed with love. And the movies and romantic novels have always boosted this feeling.

So much of love has been spoken that we often tend to forget the other extreme.

Hate. Poor thing must be hating itself for love stile all the limelight throughout the centuries. But only when shocking stories are unearthed it gets the limelight. We pass comments and judgements and what not. Hate stories are more thrilling and more painful to hear.

How many of us wept while watching titanic?? I did too. But now I feel silly. I didn't watch hate story 1, thinking it to be erotic. But when I finally did I felt it was a better emotion that mostly goes unnoticed. And when the heroine died, I cried and I don't feel silly for that.

We have been fed crap about how hate between two people turn into love in some 100 episodes. All hindi serials are so full of it. Even my favourite serials are on that story line. For heavens' sake why don't they make serials where hate is the main theme. People would get some 'gyaan' from that.

Watch game of thrones instead. I mean one man's hate started off something thrilling and well something worth watching for so long. I ain't saying this coz I am GOT fan but just emphasizing the hate factor.

Hate stems from something more darker. It either stems from great love or from great betrayal. And when two of these are combined the effects are far greater than effects of love.

It's absolute lie when someone says only love wins over hate. In real life however hate too triumphs in its small ways. I have seen many instances when people want to be better than the person they hate and reach great heights.

Don't we all have a friend who hates their ex so much that they strive to be so much better than them. What 'Samantha' said in 'Sex and the city' is totally agreeable,

'There is always a contest with the's who dies more miserable.'

But those are just too small forms of hate. Hate goes to point of loath and animosity when all limits are crossed. That even the object of our hate's single act brings a thousand disgusting memories. It's far more deeper and stronger than all forms of love.

Unlike love which can be explained in words,poems, songs, sonnets, and etc etc. Hate is something that can only be experienced . Fortunate are people who don't experience it . But people who do experience it are no less fortunate .

Hate can be justified and most of the times it's root is something sweet. But I don't support showing hate in adverse forms like violence .

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