Paradox called Feelings
The Indian cinema industry is a world of its own . We produce such diverse films that are appreciated throughout the world . There is a staggering amount of fan base to Indian cinema. The most favourite aspect is that our films are colourful. They have the aspect of song and dance sequences.
This is viewed as something unique to film makers across the globe. And I feel that it is one of the most beautiful part of our films. There are many movies that are forgotten but the songs stay behind.
I still remember the Mohammed Rafi songs, though I don't remember the films. Many noted and celebrated musicians have captured our emotions and feelings in their songs.

I don't have to appreciate about all that. Much has already been said all these things.
I have noticed forthe past few years that all songs that are famous are about love. And all of them are about men describing their feelings for the women in their lives. If you don't agree with me list your most favourite songs. Then check if I am right or not.
There has been quite a few songs when women describe their feelings. But they are very few to count in such long years of Indian cinema. Some of my most favourite scenes are love proposal scenes. But sadly only men are proposing in a beautiful manner.

All this brings me to the question - are we women not that expressive? Do we not love with that much passion ? Women can express their feelings better than men. And women do love with same passion and intense feelings. So why not songs about that.

Women have come a long way in Indian cinema like..
Sheila jawan ho gyi.
Munni badhman ho gyi..
Anarkali disco chalii..
Laila o laila b aagyi....
All languages make item songs with women but make very few songs expressing a woman's feelings. Down here in South, the meme pages are so full of it.
One can most easily see the fb pages reading this....
The girl you love may leave you...
But your friends never leave you..
I mean shit happens with both genders. Why should we women take all the blame all the time.
It's a common joke that girls have many criteria to love a guy. Whereas a guy has only one criteria: that she must be a good girl .
I have seen enough guys have lots of criteria for their gfs. I have also seen girls with zero expectations from their life partners.
A woman's love knows no bounds. Take the example of your own mother. Is that not an example enough.? It's more deep than the deepest oceans. It's more powerful than any other feeling too. Women have more intense feelings than men .Blame it on the hormones or the anatomy.
Even hell hath no fury like a woman scorned .

Maybe this explains why no one can describe a womans feelings. No one can understand the rollercoaster of emotions we go through. That is probably the only consolation I can give myself and too all other girls feeling the same way as me.