Hold on! Not your breath but your speed. Your time is running out. Every soul will taste death. This is an undeniable fact. Ponder over what will you do if something unexpected happens? How will you take that into your account? Death is your soul striking second. Time cannot rewind nor can death be kind.
Today I was shocked with a slap of overconfidence about people I love will stay with me till I die but.... My dear friend, my beloved senior Ms Leona* passed away. Last week we had our conversation she seemed fine during our Whatsapp chats. I was completely unaware of her real situation. She was hospitalised for four months and chats before her sedatives are on. Anytime anywhere have we ever pondered the chats being real or unreal, sarcastic or not sarcastic, true smileys or fake emoji? Is that called expressing emotions in life? All those mere chat apps where stickers, gifs and emoticons are used to express one are spread wide. If you say yes, then life is nothing more than a smartphone screen for you.
Get up and go meet people as the eyes will convey million unsaid meanings what they are going through, call your friends and family the tone of the voice will tell you the message of the silent heart. Today we see all these are lost. We worry communications are lost. 10 years back phone was something used for urgent message communication but now relationships start over phone and end over texts. In reality, contact is not lost over losing phone numbers or chats id’s it all depends upon the wavelength we crave for each other’s company. It’s not only lovers must crave but every human being must confide in the feelings of each other.
Do good and good will come back to you. Leona wrote 5 gold rules in her diary which she felt she didn’t abide with. Those four months made her feel, what she had missed in her life and what other mustn’t.
1. Opinions cannot define the real you. You are who you think you want to be. Only the God knows secrecy of hearts.
2. Judgements are only mere confessions of the character that lies beneath you.
3. Everyone’s journey is different so focus on your road, not others path.
4. Anger must subside with time if not it will be contagious to oneself.
5. Your enemy is only your tongue nothing else.
Let’s try to take these 5 statements something we can do forth before we die. Life isn’t about recollecting chats or texts messages in death bed but the real conversation and real company we confided so that we recollect the real kiss, the real touch, the real hugs and compassion. Stop chatting and start spending time with loved ones over in a real manner, not over hangouts, skype calls or image descriptions via emojis, smileys or gifs.
Life is what you make it.