Buy New Lenovo Z2 Plus Smartphone and get Rs.3,000 off !!
Lenovo Z2 Plus was launched with 32GB and 64GB variants exclusively on Amazon for Rs.17,999 and Rs.19,999 respectively. But, earlier the price for both variants were discounted. Its 32GB variant is now offered for Rs.14,999 (Discount of Rs.3,000) and 64GB variant is now offered for Rs.17,499 (Discount of Rs.2,500)..!!
How valuable is this Z2 Plus that is offered by Lenovo??
The 5-inch display smartphone comprises of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon with a stunning 2.15 GHz processor (ultra-fast??)! It comes with a speedy 3/4GB RAM and 32/64 GB internal storage best suitable for running heavy apps on the go!!
With Android 6.0 Marshmallow, it is high-powered by an awesome 3500mAh battery (non-removable), it has got Dual nano-SIM (4G+4G), Bluetooth v4.1, Wi-Fi, GPS, Fingerprint Scanner etc.. It sports a 13MP rear-camera and a 8MP front-camera for selfie-lovers!
The good news is that even the restriction to buy this smartphone has been relaxed i.e., Now, you can buy this Lenovo Z2 Plus from flipkart as well.